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Example 1: IMAGE Recognition/Classification

Train an AI model using medicalai's numpy dataset processor

import os
import medicalai as ai

Download sample Dataset

datasetDWLD = ai.getFile('', subDir='dataset')
datasetFolderPath = datasetDWLD+'/covid19-dataset-1.0/chest-xray-pnumonia-covid19/'

Define the hyperparameters of Dataset Processor

A. Specify the dimensions of image to be fed to network


Process your dataset using Numpy based datasetFromFolder class.

The datasetFromFolder class takes a folder path where your dataset is located. This folder should have test and train folders. Each of the folder should have the class sub-folder for your classification problem.

trainSet,testSet,labelNames =ai.datasetFromFolder(datasetFolderPath, targetDim = (IMG_WIDTH,IMG_WIDTH)).load_dataset()

# Print shapes of the loaded test and train data
print('TrainSet Data Shape: {:}; TrainSet Labels Shape:{:}'.format(,testSet.labels.shape))
print('TrainSet Data Shape: {:}; TrainSet Labels Shape:{:}'.format(,testSet.labels.shape))

Define the hyperparameters of Training

A. Specify training hyperparamters

batch_size = 32
epochs = 10
learning_rate = 0.0001
B. Specify the model name to save/retrain
MODEL_SAVE_NAME = 'medicalai_test_model_1'
C. Choose from the prebuilt networks from Medicalai Library. You can also pass a class with your own custom network to AI_NAME parameter.
AI_NAME = 'tinyMedNet'

Initialize TRAIN_ENGINE and Start Training

trainer = ai.TRAIN_ENGINE()
                             MODEL_SAVE_NAME = MODEL_SAVE_NAME, 
                             trainSet=trainGen, testSet=testGen,
                             RETRAIN_MODEL= True,
                             BATCH_SIZE= batch_size,
                             EPOCHS= epochs, 
                             LEARNING_RATE= learning_rate,
                             SAVE_BEST_MODEL = True,
                             showModel = True # Set this True if you want to see model summary

View and Save Training Stats

Plot training accuracy and loss w.r.t to epochs


Generate evaluation report for Trained Model


Explain the model for a input sample

trainer.explain([0:1], layer_to_explain='CNN3', classNames = labelNames)